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Good morning to all Trentino Alto Adige Lovers! As we already told you, the adventures with the boys of the Adamello Brenta Natural Park . We are talking about a small family-run business that has been in contact with the world of bees for generations: Dalla Nature la salute. Arriving at their facility we are greeted by Mr. Silvano, an example of a man who puts all the passion he has in his work. Silvano immediately makes us feel at home and gives us a brief historical overview of his activity (by clicking here you will see the complete video...

Sometimes it is really difficult to explain in words how much magic and beauty can be experienced in a certain place, but we still want to try it by telling you what we experienced in Scaparone House.

A stop that you must necessarily do when you wander around the Langhe. This little world it will move you deeply.

Direction Barolo to go and discover the "secrets" of a great wine: the wine of kings.

Today we are talking about a wonderful day that saw us as guests of the winery Marquesses of Barolo. You can't really miss an experience like this because that's what it is days that enrich you, they leave you in admiration and gratitude and remind you how great the privilege of being Italian.