Licia Guccione Bio

Bio Oil + Decoction Leaves

  • €26,00

The products grown inLicia Guccione Farm are the result of a meticulous production process that aims to preserve their authenticity without the use of pesticides, herbicides and other toxic substances, following a very specific Mission: organic first of all.

This choice derives from the need to offer products that preserve the flavors and fragrances of the past, both oil and almonds, but which at the same time respects the environment, health and integrity of the fields from which everything is born.

1 one liter can of organic extra virgin olive oil

Obtained directly from olives Nocellara del Belice, Nocellara Etnea and Nocellara Messinese, this BIO EVO Oil is ideal for enhancing, both raw and cooked, the flavors of traditional Mediterranean dishes.

1 bag of organic olive leaves for decoction

The decoction obtained from olive leaves, very rich in properties, is a natural antibiotic and in general a antiviral and an immunizer, used since ancient times. N.B. Product to be consumed within 15 days of delivery.

For see all products of Licia Guccione Bio click here